XS Finishes for the year
In another month a whole new list will be started for my 2007 XS accomplishments. Looking back over this year's list (what I can remember) I've not done too bad considering there's been another baby added to the family and I did a fair amount of traveling this fall. Now it's time to start thinking about what I'd like to accomplish next year and actually put it on paper or the blog before 2007 arrives. (This list will be modified as I fill in what I've forgotten or as I finish up projects before I run out of time).
1. Oh Holy Night Freebie/JABC (gift for parents)
2. Flower of Courage/Wild Heart (ESSY)
3. Crofters Cottage Etui/Brightneedle class piece
4. Heartfelt Flower/Shepherd's Bush (ESSY)
5. Houses Gameboard/LHN
6. Happy Yule/SB
7. Pink House/LilyBet (ESSY)
8. Halle's Heart/Sampler Cove (ESSY)
9. Very Victorian Shamrock Sampler/Sampler House
10. Little Lamb Sleeping/DT (Gift for JodyS)
11. Cherish Sampler/SB
12. SB heart needlecase & SB sheep fob/(Gift for Angi)
13. Brave One Fob/SB (Gift for Raquel)
14. Oh Say/SB (SB BB Exchange)
15. January Cherish Motif/SB
16. February Cherish Motif/SB
17. Jester-The Court Clown/Mosey'n Me 2004 SB project (gift for Bryce)
18. May Quaker/Workbasket Freebie (SDO finishing class)
19. March Cherish Motif/SB
20. Rose of Hope/Indigo Rose(ESSY)
21. Harry’s Stocking/SB (gift for Bryce)
22. With the Same MO (Victim #4)/Amy Mitten Designs
23. April Cherish Motif/SB
24. May Cherish Motif/SB
25. Leaping Lamb from Garden Gate on Wooden Box/SB (Gift for Debs)
26. Mary Kirby-Home/BN
27. Mary Kirby-Belize/BN
28. Mary Kirby-Kenya/BN
29. Mary Kirby-Austria/BN
30. Mary Kirby-New Zealand/BN
31. Mary Kirby-Wisconsin/BN
32. Mary Kirby-China/BN
33. Mary Kirby-France/BN
34. Mary Kirby-Ireland/BN
35. July Cherish Motif/SB
36. August Cherish Motif/SB
37. Love Pin Cushion/Glory Bee (ESSY)
38. Drew/Kate Baby Ornament/OIABM (gift for BarbaraH)
39. Oh Say with Italian Flag Mail Art/SB (for Angi)
40. BN Bookmark-Mary Kirby/BN
41. Girl’s Best Friend/BOAF
42. Halloween Holiday/BOAF
43. September Cherish Motif/SB
44. October Cherish Motif/SB
45. Quaker Medallion Strawberry Pinkeep/BBD
46. Santa in Spaceship Ornament/DT inspired (gift for Tanner)
47. Cherish All Living Things/LK (gift for Bryce)
48. Britty Kitties V/Brittercup Designs (gift for Jane)
49. Peace For All/SB
50. Ashley Victoria Fob (gift for Cynthia)