Rehab 101
It's been quite an enlightening couple of months stitching-wise here at the new place. You see I had cross stitch spread over one entire floor of a house where we used to live, (magazines in the livingroom bookcase, fabrics in a bedroom closet, finished projects under a bed in a plastic bin, threads in a cabinet in the guestroom, more magazines in the diningroom and more magazines and hard back books in the computer room) here I have it pretty much confined to one room for now, (in a closet or in boxes) and that's what it takes up, pretty much one whole room. It's a sickness actually, this fabric, thread, scissor, chart, button, bead, bobble obsession I have. But rather than a 12 step program, I think I just came thru the 12 month program where I didn't look at any of it for long enough that I didn't realize the sheer volume of what I actually had. It's scarry now to see all that I've aquired over the years. My main objective for now is to get back to stitching and get organized in a way I have not been for sometime. So many projects, so little life expectancy.